How to get Inshot video editor and Picsart photo editing app for free?

Hi guys! Picsart app used to be great. Now, not so much. In the beginning, this app had great features and functioned well. Now the app has become overloaded and clumsy. It takes longer to load, because of all the banners and alerts fighting to popup when the app opens. There’s so much that needs to be purchased within the app that it could get expensive really quick. Even if you bought everything, the amount of time it takes for each and every click to load, is unbelievable. As for inshot, I use it for video editing. Now i cannot remove the blurred canvas anymore. it used to be able to zoom and apply all. Bad for tiktok. Update- The advice below requires you to severely zoom into each photo (cutting a lot out). The photos don’t maintain their original crop. This also doesn’t work for the “apply edit to all” feature because some photos are horizontal and some are vertical. The best you’ll be able to create is a zoomed in version of every single photo you add. Can you please let me know how can I troubleshoot this problem? Or is there any way to use it for free?

Well you can get inshot & picsart video editor for free. I truly understand your problem. I recommend this video and photo editor to literally anybody! InShot and Picsart is probably my favorite application on my entire phone. I can get so much done with it - edit videos really quickly, combine videos, record voice overs, add music, adjust volume, apply filters and effects, and so much more. I absolutely love the amount of content available in this app with the pro version. It is so worth it. Please add voice-to-text recognition so we can generate captions without having to type them out!! to get it free you can download picsart app at thepicsartapk. To get access to premium features of inshot app you can download it at apklifezone hope it goes well for you!