[Group Buy] CHATGPT PRO - OpenAI Account



I can’t afford $42/month but I really want to use this.

Thinking of Group Buying it.

Orginal Price: $42/Month

GroupBuy Price: $9/month (5 people required)

So if anyone is interested, please let me know below.

I will buy and arrange everything through escrow.

You will only pay me when I provide you the account.


2 people In

3 more required

Let me know if you are interested

Am in , can you share the details how are we going to do it

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Join this

2 more people required :smiley:

will you take me in your group ? I can afford only $4

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yes please come , will add 1 from my side :sweat_smile:

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Are you in on asking on serious note ?

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i have cracked apk…

Can I get it too?

May I know the difference between “ChatGpt professional and ChatGpt Plus”? Because ChatGpt plus is available for $20.

include me as well

I am ready to give $5.

I can give 4$ if you 2 Want