Best Way to Cloak Affiliate Link for Affiliate Marketers

Many affiliate marketers are plagued with spammy links and commission fraud. Some people will use their affiliate link instead of yours. Alternatively, your SMTP server may flag affiliate-link-containing emails as spam. The good news is that a simple solution known as link cloaking exists.

After further investigation, I discovered that they were using affiliate links with dubious or blacklisted websites. Your emails may be marked as spam by email service providers’ algorithms. So, what’s the best way to avoid it?

Cloaking your links is, indeed, the solution. This guide will show you how to do it without or with a website in a step-by-step manner.

But first, I’ll explain the notion of cloaking, which is widely misunderstood by the general public. Let’s get this party started right away.

What is Link Cloaking, and how does it work?

Cloaking may sound like a sin, but it’s a legitimate and effective digital marketing strategy. Link cloaking makes long and complex URLs more user-friendly by simplifying them. It protects your affiliate commissions by preventing your emails from getting to spam.

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