Download Profit with JavaScript | Clever Programmer JavaScript Course Worth 597$

Profit with JavaScript :rocket:

A course that’ll kick your a**, teach you how to complete real-world projects and make a living as a modern JavaScript and React web developer.

:white_check_mark: Beginner friendly

:white_check_mark: :movie_camera: 15+ JavaScript Training Modules

:white_check_mark: :rocket: Weekly JavaScript + React Training Calls

:white_check_mark: :man_technologist: Access to Exclusive Slack Community for Students

:white_check_mark: :man_technologist: Access to Exclusive Facebook Community for Students

:white_check_mark: :chart_with_upwards_trend: Build 5 JavaScript + 3 React Projects (Portfolio Ready)

:white_check_mark: :star::star::star::star::star: Our programs are rated 4.9 Stars out of 5 from 57 customer reviews. 22% of the reviews include the word β€œlove” :heart:.

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@RYAN update link

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@RYAN Yes please update the link.


@RYAN Also this is a offline event. If you can provide links of courses of clever programmer which are online that would be great.

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The link is not working


Can you please update the link

Can you please reupload link not working

@RYAN Update link

link not working

Link is dead! :dizzy_face: