Hello. they gave me 1 id with @stulife and a password. how to login and where do i use that stulife credentials? microsoft one drive not recognizing stulife as a domain.
Bro I wanna ask is it safe to store Personal Files on this drive because the space itself is not owned by us directly?
Never Upload your personal Files !
Bro I think you have to ligin here https://free.kits.workers.dev/
and in android application it is working fine
How safe are my files if i encrypt them with veacypt before uploading with full 128 character password?
@Ashutosh_Singh 101% safe if u encrypt them, but I suggest using cryptomator for encrypting files if u are going to store them in the cloud. Veracrypt is good if u are storing it in a local disk or external disk.
Try cryptomator once. It’s open-source and free to use.
IF your using browser downlaod opera and it has a inbuild vpn start that and then login in the site all things will work smooth